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Fall Retreat 2024

September 5th - 8th

Registration is now open!

Explore Community

Our annual fall retreat is being held September 5-8th, 2024! Join us for a weekend of learning, laughter, and sisterhood in the woods of Halifax County, PA. You must be 18 years old to register and attend this event without a legal guardian*.​


The theme this year is magic and divination. Spaces are limited to the first 30 registrations, so please submit yours promptly!


We encourage participants to arrive Thursday night or early Friday to fully experience the gathering. We offer workshops, discussions, crafts, and rituals throughout the weekend, as well as the GWG raffle, a selection of unique and talented vendors offering their wares, and a potluck dinner Friday night. But it’s the unplanned moments that really make the weekend- the conversations and drumming around the Sacred Fire, the food shared and gifts given, the quiet times of introspection and the unconstrained laughter.


We're excited to see you at Green Women Gathering 2024!


*Young women 14-17 may attend with a legal guardian that has previously attended our retreat. Our conversations, workshops, and language may be considered too adult for some; please use your discretion and only bring minors that are mature enough for the content matter.

Please note that the location we reserved does not allow alcohol or other recreational drug use.

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